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You can not have too many grounds! Make sure your ground wire (typically white) is securely attached to the frame on both the truck and trailer side, preferably at more than one location on the frame! The ground wire should be large enough to handle all the load, do not depend on grounding through the ball.
Wire Size:
- 16 Ga, 10amps, Lights only
- 14 Ga, 15 amps, Lights and up to 2 axle brakes (4 wheels, max)
- 12 Ga, 20 amps, 3 axle brake wire, typical ground wire size, also, 12 volt AUX feed
- 10 Ga. 30 amps, for those extreme applications, bigger trailers or campers with big loads.
Typically if you have 2 or more brake axles, lots of lights, and use the 12 volt AUX feed to power items, or charge a battery.... (add up your load, what could items run at once- example, all lights + brakes)
Remember, Trailers DO NOT have "Brake" lights, they have only left and right turn. It's just when they are "on but not flashing", it is assumed to mean brake light. Still only one light on each side, so if your turn signals work, but not the brakes lights, it is your truck, not the trailer.... the "brake light" works on the trailer, the truck just tells then when to flash or not.
If your brake lights work, OR your marker lights work, but everything quits when you turn on both at the same time, your trailer is not grounded to the truck. Period. (at night, when you step on the brakes, all the trailer lights go out) ---see line one, above
Trailer Plug Maintenance
Put grease on your trailer plug, (just plain damn grease). That green junk is copper oxide. It happens when you combine oxygen with copper. All you need is a thin layer of anything (and grease is cheap and sticky) to keep the oxygen (from the air or water) from getting to the copper. The rubber caps just hold the water in...
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